An architectural rendering of plans for a new city pool in Pratt were shared with commission members at the last meeting. Courtesy photo
The final design for the new pool was presented at the July 18 meeting of the Pratt City Board of Commissioners. City Manager Bruce Pinkall presented the final design by handing out packets that included both floor plans and concept art depicting the proposed facility. These are available on the city website at www. Pinkall expressed gratitude to pool committee members for their work in generating the design, for which they received input from the community.
The new pool will be zero entry on the south side and will include eight standard racing lanes, a pair of diving boards, and a pair of water slides. The pool will be somewhat smaller than the current pool but will still be capable of hosting competitions and meeting the needs of the community. Two more public meetings concerning the pool were scheduled; one was at the Municipal Building on Wednesday the 20th and the other will be on Saturday the 30th at the City Building. “It’s a big project for our community. We will [work to] have this developed so that it can be in place for our 2023 season.”
The current pool will be demolished at the end of this current season and the new pool constructed on the same property. The new pool will be toward the West side of the current lot so that it will no longer be directly above the sewer line. This is so that only the parking lot and not the pool itself will have to be dug up should major maintenance be needed on the sewer. There are some small details of the design that may still change, such as the placement of fountains in either the deck or in the shallow end for the younger kids, the possibility of dumping buckets or other ammenities and/or colored lines to indicate pool depth. Essentially, however, the design presented at the meeting is the final design.
In other business, the commission:
* Heard a presentation by Eagle Scout Colby Gordon. Gordon presented the idea of renovating one of the overgrown sand pits at Lemons Park into a Gaga Ball pit. These sand pits were original built as croquet courts and later transformed into sand volleyball courts. They are presently unused and overgrown with vegetation. Colby Gordon already has sources for the materials and labor necessary, he only needs the city’s permission. The city leaders expressed enthusiasm for the idea. Public Works Director Rambat said “I think it is a wonderful idea.” Commissioner Siemens said “It sounds like a fun idea.” And Commissioner Farmer said that he was proud of Gordon for his initiative. They decided, however, that the idea should first be presented to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board so that the City Board of Commissioners will then be able to approve the idea with the endorsement of Parks and Rec.
*Heard an update from DeWayne Bryan on the plan to dedicate the corner of First and Stout to the Hospital for a new sign. The required survey has been conducted. The city will draft a deed and the topic will be revisited at the next regular meeting.
*Eric Killough presented a request to the city for an addition $500 per month for the Humane Society. The mayor said the request was “Duly noted” and would be “strongly considered” as the city develops its budget.
*Approved intent to exceed the revenue neutral rate and proposed a mill levy rate 71.151%. The city does not actually intend to increase its spending much if at all, but this action was necessary in order to comply with truth and transparency legislation.
*At the recommendation of Public Works Director Rambat, the mayor nominated Jason Roberts to the Cemetery Board. The Commissioners approved the appointment.
*Approved a rezoning request from the Planning and Zoning Commission in order to allow Ready Mix Concrete to move its facility to a new location. This requires the new location to be rezoned heavy industrial and also given a special use permit. The Commissioners expressed their gratitude to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their work.
*Approved a bid from Apac Shears for $188,509 for the mill and overlay project. This street upgrade project will provide improvements to Pedigo Drive and East 6th. Almost half the money will be submitted for the Federal Fund Exchange Program.
*Approved four mills for the airport authority.
*Heard a report from Recreation Director Eisenhaur that a recent baseball tournament at Green Sports Complex went well and made more than $20,000 before expenses.