For Good Cakes and Bakes co-owner April Anderson, the eventual growth she expected is ahead of schedule.
"Where we're at now, what we're planning, we didn't expect to hit until year 12 or 13," said Anderson, who opened the bakery in 2013 with her wife, Michelle Anderson.
Those plan
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UPPER POTTSGROVE — The public got its first look at what the proposed new $5.5 million municipal building might look like — a month after the township commissioners publicly resolved to build it.
At the end of Mo
OGDEN — Members of the Ogden City Council got a look at what the future Marshall White Community Center could look like during Tuesday’s work session.
Brent Tippets, principal of VCBO Architecture, presented renderings of an approximately 68,000-square-foot, two-story building incorp
A mansion built 17 years ago on Southwest Marine Drive in Vancouver’s Southlands is being eyed for redevelopment.
While this area is known for being one of Vancouver’s ultra-luxury mansion clusters, the proposed plan for the site is not for an even bigger mansion but a multi-
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The Lewiston Event Center may be converted into a self-storage operation similar to the one located on Military Road (at the former Kmart site). Developer looking to convert Lewiston Event Center into self-storageby jma
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With the announcement of the new RTX 4000 series graphic cards from Nvidia, we finally have a new king of the graphics card world – the GeForce RTX 4090. Based on the brand new ‘Ada Lovelace‘ architecture, the RTX 4090 is being advertised as the most powerful desktop graphics
M Royce Architecture is a design focused architecture firm located in Venice, CA. Our current projects include high end private residences, mixed-use and multi-family housing, hotels and interior design. Our recent work has been published in ArchDaily, Wallpaper magazine, Dwell and Design Milk
HANNAH, an Architectural League Prize–winning experimental design and research studio led by Cornell University assistant professors of architecture Leslie Lok and Sasa Zivkovic, has announced that construction work is underway in Houston on a story-story, 4,000-square-foot single-family hom