2022-08-26 22:02:00 By : Mr. Sky Fu

888-776-0942 from 8 AM - 10 PM ET

CHIBA, Japan , Aug. 23, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- ZOZO, Inc., the largest online fashion retail company in Japan and global fashion technology pioneer, announced today the launch of ZOZOFIT, a new state-of-the-art body measurement system that democratizes 3D fit technology to help individuals track their own fitness, weight loss and body transformation progress over time with unparalleled accuracy and ease.

This enterprise-grade measurement system includes ZOZOSUIT, a 3D body measurement suit, covered in a proprietary pattern of more than 15,000 fiducial markers that are used to capture one's precise body shape, along with the ZOZOFIT app, which uses proprietary algorithms and software to create a 3D rendering and precise body scan in less than two minutes. The measurement system will retail for an introductory price of $98 , which includes the ZOZOSUIT, ZOZOFIT app and unlimited scanning. The app, available on iOS to start, detects the fiducial markers in space, triangulates one's unique shape and then surfaces seven key body measurements, including the shoulders, chest, upper arms, waist, hips, thighs and calves. Launching today, ZOZOFIT along with its specially designed suit, is exclusively available in the United States on ZOZOFIT.com.

Accurately tracking body transformation over time can be challenging, especially when relying  on tape measures (ripe for human error) or scales (weight being an inaccurate representation of body transformation). High-precision 3D body scans typically require specialized large machines and require cost and space for installation. ZOZOFIT provides a better, more reliable and accurate tool to track progress by showcasing real change in increments as small as ¼" that can be used anywhere — at home, the gym, a hotel room, etc. As an upcoming feature, users can share their results with their community through social media or directly to coaches, trainers, or friends.

"This body measurement technology marks a paradigm shift in tracking body change, so we're excited to introduce ZOZOFIT to the U.S. market, which is the global hub for health, fitness and wellness," said Utahiro Inui, ZOZO Apparel USA , Inc. CEO. "We know that ZOZOSUIT's high-precision measurement technology that we have cultivated in Japan is state-of-the-art and extremely precise, but it's also portable and accessible so we hope that it can help people around the world reach their health and fitness goals, whatever they may be."

Future plans for ZOZOFIT include introducing goal setting and incorporating overall physical metrics, such as body fat and muscle mass percentage. ZOZOFIT will also launch an Android app, as well as the ability to set and track one's progress against personal goals, later this fall.

To date, ZOZO has launched other measurement tools such as the previous ZOZOSUIT, a body measurement suit for custom-fit apparel that was discontinued in 2019;  ZOZOMAT, a 3D foot scanning tool; and ZOZOGLASS, a skin tone capturing device; through ZOZO's in-house service ZOZOTOWN, whose mission is to make online shopping more enjoyable and convenient for customers. In addition, ZOZO has been recruiting partners for the licensing of its measurement technologies and co-creation of new services for a variety of industries.

For more information on ZOZOFIT, please visit https://zozofit.com/.

ABOUT ZOZO, INC. ZOZO, Inc. owns and operates ZOZOTOWN, Japan's largest fashion e-commerce site. Housed within ZOZOTOWN are category specialized malls such as ZOZOCOSME and ZOZOSHOES; ZOZOUSED, a second-hand clothing fashion mall; ZOZOVILLA, a section dedicated to luxury & designer brands; YOUR BRAND PROJECT; a D2C business that provides consumers an opportunity to share their sense of style and fashion by creating their own personal fashion brand; WEAR, a SNS for sharing stylings and outfits, and more - various services for fashion lovers. ZOZO has also developed technology devices for body measurement, such as the ZOZOSUIT, ZOZOMAT, and ZOZOGLASS.

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