(Oct. 25, 2021) Neighbors at Monday's Planning Board meeting spoke out strongly against a proposal to reimagine The Brotherhood of Thieves restaurant property on Broad Street, particularly outside, where its new owners have said they would like to create a “mini” Cisco Brewers.
“There is nothing small or micro about these plans. They are grandiose. This is not a renovation of The Brotherhood. It is a transformation of The Brotherhood. It is The Brotherhood on steroids,” Jonathan Pressment, whose property abuts the restaurant on the north side, told the Planning Board.
The downtown property changed hands in June for $7.9 million. The new ownership group, which includes Cisco Brewers CEO Jay Harman, wants to create a Cisco-like environment outside the restaurant. It has applied to expand the capacity of the outdoor dining space from 80 to 195 patrons, add an outdoor bar area, a stage for live, amplified acoustic music, a porch, retractable awning and waiting area for patrons catching the Cisco shuttle to the brewery on Bartlett Farm Road.
According to the plans, the interior of the restaurant would remain largely the same.
Those who spoke in opposition via Zoom at Monday's Planning Board hearing, however, were much more concerned about what would be going on outside.
“The atmosphere at Cisco works. You can let loose. It’s not a residential neighborhood. I’m hard-pressed to understand how all the ambient noise, not just the music, but the crowd, won’t work its way off the property,” Kevin Davidson said.
“My clients haven’t been thrilled over the years at the amount of noise coming from The Brotherhood,” attorney Arthur Reade said. “They feel this is going to completely exacerbate the problem and ruin their quality of life. Moving the shuttle van is just moving a problem from one place (in front of Visitor Services) to another. When the brewery closes (at 7 p.m.), the brewery patrons will be brought back into town to continue their revelry in whatever state of inebriation they may be in. It’s going to be a totally unlivable area.”
Beth Frates, who said she’s already found articles of clothing and beer bottles on her property, and seen drunken fist-fights on her front stoop, agreed.
“If you found someone’s underwear and shirt and beer bottles in your yard, how would you feel about drunk people being carted from Cisco to your neighborhood? I’m proud to be part of this neighborhood,” she said. “We are going to fight. We are going to protect our Nantucket, this historic district we grew up in, that we love so much,” she said.
The Planning Board continued the application to its Nov. 15 meeting.
Check back to www.ack.net tonight for an update on tonight's meeting, and pick up Thursday's Inquirer and Mirror for the full story.
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