Landscape Architecture as a field is critically engaged in a re-examination of the role of materials and materiality in landscape design. The Department of Landscape Architecture seeks to appoint a distinguished scholar/practitioner in design at the assistant/associate professor (tenure track) or full professor (tenured) level of landscape architecture with a focus on materials and material ecologies and design, including innovative approaches to working at the intersection of living systems with non-living materials. We invite candidates who explore how material research drives sustainable and resilient design pursuits, while simultaneously developing practices that advance contemporary debates on material culture in landscape architecture at all scales. Successful candidates will have developed a research trajectory in material expression, material flows and their associated labor pathways, technologies of fabrication and assembly, and design execution—or will demonstrate how a history of professional practice, with consideration of conceptual design, construction, and post-occupancy, will lead to a promising teaching and research agenda in this focus area of landscape architecture. Our successful appointee will provide leadership and advancement in the Material Order collection, a consortium founded by the GSD’s Frances Loeb Library and the Rhode Island School of Design Fleet Library, and joined by other prominent design schools, as the leading resource for design materials collections at academic and cultural institutions in North America.
Housed in the Department of Landscape Architecture, this position will require instruction in graduate-level design studios, lecture, workshop, and seminar courses in the context of an interdisciplinary design school with departments of architecture, urban planning and design, and advanced studies programs.
Candidates are required to hold a graduate degree in landscape architecture and have a distinguished record of practice, research, and pedagogy commensurate with the number of years in the field. A doctoral degree is desirable but not required.
Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae and letter of interest. Short-listed candidates will be asked to submit additional application materials.
Please visit the Harvard Academic Positions website below for more information and to apply:
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