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2022-06-24 22:28:38 By : Ms. Tracy Gu

ROWAN COUNTY, N.C. (WBTV) - Rowan County Commissioners will consider a proposal for a new Dollar General store that would be built at the corner of Mooresville Road and Briggs Road.

The county Planning Staff received a Special Non-Residential Intensity Allocation (SNIA) request from Teramore Development, LLC to build a 10,665 square foot retail store at the southwest corner of Mooresville and Briggs Rds. in Salisbury on property owned by Greer Goodman.

According to the proposal, in an effort to address Western Area Land Use Plan recommendations for Highway Business and Regional Node development related to building appearance, design elements, and landscaping, plan details propose the following:

-Nineteen (19) Red Maple trees planted thirty (30) feet on center along Mooresville Road and Briggs Road;

-Twenty-three (23) Green Giant evergreen trees planted ten (10) feet on center along with a six (6) foot opaque wood fence along the northern property line;

-Although sign details were not included, the site plan indicates a proposed monument sign. The board may consider a similar design of a four (4) foot tall x eight (8) foot wide sign with a two (2) foot brick base; and

-Building elevation plans and rendering indicate a brick base on three (3) sides with fiber cement siding on the same three (3) sides (less north side at building rear). Although not shown, the applicant has agreed to substitute metal with fiber cement siding on the rear. According to the applicant, the façade would match the Woodleaf store approved by the BOC in 2019.

The Salisbury City Council recently approved a proposal from Teramore to build a new Dollar General on Old Mocksville Road.

The meeting is at 6: p.m. on Monday in the J. Newton Cohen, Sr. Room, J. Newton Cohen, Sr. Rowan County Administration Building, 130 West Innes Street, Salisbury.

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