The Wide World of Dental 3D Printing

With decrease in price, size and maintenance offered by high-resolution chairside Resin 3D printer DF200, that technology can now be in your hands. DF200 offers an incredible tool in the application of clear aligner, retainers, indirect bonding trays, surgical guide, splints,night guard, cast retainer, removable die models, temporary crown and etc.
What Makes 3DTALK DF200 'Dental'
1. Biocompatible Materials
3DTALK resins make 3D-printed parts safe for intraoral use and offer great mechnical properties, fast production and low cost, propelling desktop 3D printers into dental practices all over the world.

2. Accuracy and Repeatability
The central requirements of dental manufacturing are very high accuracy and repeatable results. 3DTALK DF200 can consistently provide the tight tolerancce required for fitted parts which bring the manufacturing of models and other appliances in-office.

3. Production Speed and Scalabilty
To keep peace with a busy office, 3DTALK DF200 offer raipid print speeds and high overall production throughput.
Aligner Fabrication Workflow

Digital Solution Design without DF200 VS Digital Solution with DF200

Without DF200 Without DF200
total time try-in: 1-2 weeks total time try-in: 1-2 days
total time for final: 3-6 weeks total time for final: 1-2 weeks
4. Flexibility and Customized Design
3DTALK DF200 offers dental Professionals the maximum number of options in any given situation empowers them to provide a high standard of care to their patients. 3DTALK can bring patients back in for a consultation or simply send them a digital files for review at home. This drastically reduces the need to make changes to the physical models, as digital adjustments can me made in a matter of hours and at a low cost.
5. Operation & Maintenance
It doesn't matter if it's your first foray or your are a veteran, friendly-user operation system help that you can pick it up right way. Low maintenance, as our client Doctor John said, "it's almost nothing. For us, the only recurring tasks are cleaning the platform and changing the resin. It's as easy as changing a cold sterile-It's pretty much no maintenance"



Who Are We?

With decrease in price, size and maintenance offered by high-resolution chairside Resin 3D printer DF200, that technology can now be in your hands. DF200 offers an incredible tool in the application of clear aligner, retainers, indirect bonding trays, surgical guide, splints,night guard, cast retainer, removable die models, temporary crown and etc.
What Makes 3DTALK DF200 'Dental'
1. Biocompatible Materials
3DTALK resins make 3D-printed parts safe for intraoral use and offer great mechnical properties, fast production and low cost, propelling desktop 3D printers into dental practices all over the world.

2. Accuracy and Repeatability
The central requirements of dental manufacturing are very high accuracy and repeatable results. 3DTALK DF200 can consistently provide the tight tolerancce required for fitted parts which bring the manufacturing of models and other appliances in-office.

3. Production Speed and Scalabilty
To keep peace with a busy office, 3DTALK DF200 offer raipid print speeds and high overall production throughput.
Aligner Fabrication Workflow

Digital Solution Design without DF200 VS Digital Solution with DF200

Without DF200 Without DF200
total time try-in: 1-2 weeks total time try-in: 1-2 days
total time for final: 3-6 weeks total time for final: 1-2 weeks
4. Flexibility and Customized Design
3DTALK DF200 offers dental Professionals the maximum number of options in any given situation empowers them to provide a high standard of care to their patients. 3DTALK can bring patients back in for a consultation or simply send them a digital files for review at home. This drastically reduces the need to make changes to the physical models, as digital adjustments can me made in a matter of hours and at a low cost.
5. Operation & Maintenance
It doesn't matter if it's your first foray or your are a veteran, friendly-user operation system help that you can pick it up right way. Low maintenance, as our client Doctor John said, "it's almost nothing. For us, the only recurring tasks are cleaning the platform and changing the resin. It's as easy as changing a cold sterile-It's pretty much no maintenance"



Who Are We?